The Association is constituted from the professional forest nursery associations or other properly constituted trade bodies representing the forest nursery and seed trades of European Countries.
Purpose of EFNA
The role of the Association is to represent and to defend the interests of the private producers of forest seed and plants and of all other activities relevant to the profession and to attempt to mediate between member states when disputes arise. The Association shall be responsible particularly for giving the official views of the private seed and nursery sector on all matters concerning Forest Reproductive Material to the Commission of the European Union.
History of EFNA
The Committee of Forest Nurseries in the EEC was founded on June 22nd, 1962 in Cologne by representatives of the professional forest nursery associations of the Member States to deal with all matters relating to Forest Reproductive Material.
The constitution was amended at the time of the first expansion of the EEC in 1971 and again in 1994 on the third enlargement. At that time the name of the Committee was changed to the Committee of Forest Nurseries in the European Union.
In 2007 the name was again changed to European Forest Nursery Association.